Sunday 14 April 2013

Another setback...

I haven't blogged for quite a while. 

I haven't been very well, unfortunately and there hasn't been much to say about it. Just before Easter my stomach bloated out and didn't go down again. Not such a big deal to most people but it felt quite horrible and I was quite uncomfortable a lot of the time. 

After my previous experiences of "oh, it's just one of those things" turning out to be very far from that I do tend to worry a lot about any form of ill health. My mind always jumps to the worst possible scenario. I am aware it's something of an over-reaction but with my health history it's difficult to remain calm and rational. 

There's also been quite a lot of upheaval at work with starting a new role and undertaking a lot of training for that. It's been quite a stressful time all round. 

I went to the GP who has booked me in to be checked out at hospital. I can't quite decide if she's taking extra precautions or feels that something might be wrong. It's difficult with some of the symptoms as they are quite vague but can be added up in many different ways to mean very scary or very mundane illnesses. 

So, the last few weeks have been quite difficult, physically and emotionally, which has meant that I haven't managed to do very much of anything, particularly not running. It's also been so cold and added up with everything else going on, all I've done is stayed in and waited to see if I feel better.

However, before I felt unwell I booked a kettlebell introduction class which was yesterday and that has really helped me to stop worrying about "what ifs" and focus back on my body and get out of my head a bit. I am aching today but feeling so much more positive. Once the muscle soreness is gone I'm going to get out and see how the running goes.

The race is only three weeks away now and there have been so many setbacks I can't see myself managing to run the whole way but I don't want to give up either. I've managed to walk to work quite a lot recently so I hope it won't be too difficult...I'll be back soon to update.