Monday 4 February 2013

5K training

I started 5K training today. It *should* have been pretty good. However, I did a workout DVD yesterday which broke me a little and the run was hard hard hard! It was run x 2mins then walk x 1 mins for ten goes. Quite a lot of running, and clearly building in a bit of stamina there. But my poor quads were knackered after doing lots of squats and lunges the day before. My legs just couldn't manage it.

I'm going to take a rest day tomorrow, and then I'll be running again on Wednesday and very probably a swim, which I'm looking forward to. Sometimes there doesn't seem to be enough time to manage to fit in all the running and conditioning I know I need to do but I hope that this first proper session of strength training will be the hardest and my body will recover better after future training.

The other problem with today was that with the 5K training you're moving for half an hour and you can go pretty far in half an hour! We ran round a park a few times, and up and down some residential streets. That route isn't going to work for future runs, for sure! I'm going to take a look at a map and see what looks good. It's a balancing act as it's very hilly around here, with lots of main roads, and a bit of a grid system. Combine all that and you've got a run that's harder going up, and hard on the knees going down hills, horrible traffic fumes to contend with and lots of slowing down to turn corners. Not really ideal for me, I'm dreaming of a long, straight, flat path in a park! But, you have to work with what you've got so we'll work something out. Trial and error is the name of the game.

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