Monday 25 March 2013

Negativity and Inspiration

When I signed up for the run I was looking around the internet for some inspiration. I had read Bangs and a Bun for a while and came across this interview with Fawn Dorr, a pro runner in the States. It's a great read and Fawn is very inspiring, regardless of whether you're a runner or not. Keeping at something and not giving up have parallels with my own battles with my health.

One thing that really stuck in my mind from the interview was this:

" I don’t often say negative or demotivating things. I don’t allow for people that I’m training with to say things like “I can’t” or “it’s too much or too hard.”

The first time I read the post I thought, wow, she sounds really tough! But having started on my own journey I'm beginning to think think a little differently.

It's been so interesting how different people in my life have responded when I tell them about doing the run, and why. A lot of people have been fantastically supportive, listening to my complaints, giving advice, sponsoring me, and generally saying all the right things. If you are one of those people - Thank you very much! I can't tell you how much it helps. Sometimes, when I'm running I recite the names of the people who have sponsored me in my head so I know I can't give in to the discomfort because I don't want to let you down.

Part of what helps to keep me going is telling people how I'm doing and I suppose part of the "social contract" is people being encouraging or supportive.

But what of the people who aren't encouraging? What of the people who say things which are, on the face of it, totally harmless, but if they leave you in the position of defending your choices, when deep down you agree, what then?

Some examples...

Running? You don't want to do that, you'll ruin your knees! 

I think you're insane, getting up in the morning to go and run around.

10K? That's a long way to run for a first timer, why didn't you start with a 5K?

My favourite, uttered in tones of disgust: Why would you do *that*? 

It's silly really, that so few people have been anything but positive. It's always the negative things that stick in my mind and so the spiral down begins as I wonder, why, why would I do it? I hate it. I'm crap at it. I'm never going to be any good, I'm going to embarrass myself and let everyone down...

I realised these comments have very little to do with me and usually a lot to do the person saying them. Returning the quotation at the top of the post, what Fawn is saying is that she doesn't want negativity around her because it drags her down and it just takes energy away from what she's doing. Perhaps it is fierce, but that's what it takes for her to get her job done. I can relate to that. So, if I can anticipate that someone I know isn't going to be happy for me, or supportive when I need a bit of a confidence boost, then I just don't tell them about it. It's weird in some ways for me to not talk about such a huge part of my life but that's been interesting too, to see how some communications go and what are my expectations of other people. I'm learning so much more than simply how to run.

Focus and discipline redux

A couple of weeks ago I wrote a post about trying to be more disciplined. It's been a week since I "gave up" socialising and whilst I was walking home from work I was thinking about the difference it has made, hence the post.

Of course, socialising is more or less what I do after work during the week, and I'm not some sort of social butterfly, busy every night of the week. That was 2011 - seriously! But it's nice to meet up with friends or go out with my partner a couple of times a week. Even if it's just a quick coffee and poke round the shops after work, going to see a film, or my book group.

Last week the only thing I did was go to a Tron night at the Watershed on Friday which was a lot of fun. This week I don't have any plans.

Although I am missing seeing people, I am quite enjoying the focus I am acquiring.

Last week I was very tired at the start of the week after a busy weekend and I just...went to bed when I wanted to. I didn't feel any pressure to have some down time because I'd already had some.

However, what I think has made the main difference is the telly. I have a tendency to put the television on when I'm in the living room, most usually as background to whatever I'm doing but I often like watching programmes and we all know the best ones start at 10:00pm. I've either not found anything I want to watch, or turned programmes off half way through - unheard of! Instead, I've been listening to CDs or the radio a lot more. Coupled with actually closing the computer and really thinking about the fact the whole internet will still be there tomorrow night, I've become a lot more productive. I've got a lot more energy for cooking decent meals and preparing for the next day or two, preparing lunches, and getting into bed a lot earlier. It feels good and I feel very focussed on the running training and now that I'm actually seeing some improvement there, I'm looking forward to training each day.

I also feel a lot calmer as I'm not stressing out about rushing around to get to where I'm going. I can't park my car near where I work at all so I have to get the bus to and from work. This usually takes at least half an hour compared to 15 or 20 mins door to door in the car. If I have things on in the evening I either have to face the bus or ask my partner to pick me up which he can't always do. Some evenings I'll rush home from work, rush some dinner and jump in the car. I'll find myself planning the evenings all day and at what time I need to have achieved what in order not to be late. Now that I've not had to do that for a week or so, I realise how much it was stressing me out. Mainly, it was stressing me out because I was worrying about being tired from running that morning, or how I was going to fit in a pilates workout after getting in from work and before going out and just wanting to sit down. I know once the pressure is off on training I can just enjoy things a little more for what they are and missing a workout won't be such a big deal.

As I said at the start of this post, I walked home today. It takes me about an hour to walk home and I usually don't bother as it takes so long and I often don't have the time in the day to spare. But today I did, and as I walked in too, that was my workout for the day. I did leave work a little earlier today so I didn't get in too late to prepare quite a time-consuming meal but I actually quite enjoyed walking back and so perhaps I will do it more often. It's good to see these small changes taking place which will, I hope, add up to quite a positive difference overall.

My running gear

I thought I'd do a little post on my running clothes. I was chatting on the Guardian's running blog today about weekend runs and commented that I was really cold. A few friendly posters replied and recommended a few things which I am going to try out and will update about.

I recently read a running magazine where there was a reader feature about running clothes and one woman said, "I'm short so I wear cropped leggings". That made me laugh. I'm also very short and I very much doubt any length of trouser is going to make me look taller. And why on earth would you care how short or tall you look when you're training? I don't care how short I am when I'm trying to look my best, let alone when I'm red faced and grimacing. Very strange.

Anyway, on to the point of the post!

These are my usual running clothes. I actually wore more than this on Saturday, with a woolly neck warmer. It was that cold. I just don't seem to get that hot or sweat when I run in this cold weather. Which is both a relief and rather strange as I usually get out of breath running up a flight of stairs.

From right to left:

Sports bra - an absolute necessity for me. Even doing a very short jog on a treadmill when I got my new trainers made realise how very important a sports bra is to me. Besides all the "running will make your boobs saggy" - please! - it's distracting and uncomfortable to be worrying about what's going on with an unsupported poitrine. This one is a Berlei, it annoys me a bit because you have to take it off over your head which I hate but it does the job.

Vest - I wear a vest, or some sort of undergarment whatever I'm doing - even swimming - so I will always wear a couple of layers. I don't actually like the ones with the "integral bra". There's a load of rubbish. They are just crop tops sewn into a vest. They offer no support and are really uncomfortable to get over your head when you're all sweaty at the end of a workout. But, I do like colour and it fits well and doesn't dig in or anything. And, it's long. I do like a long vest.

Long sleeved top - I love this top! One of my first blog posts was about it. It's by Saucony and was an absolute bargain TK Maxx. It's great - thick fabric, thumb holes, decent pocket and long in the body. It's my favourite bit of running kit.

Running tights - these are by Karrimor and I got them after signing up for the 10K back in December. Seems like a long time ago now. They are cut rather oddly - very small in the waist but so large in the rise and seat that I'm sure a man would feel comfortable in them. They've also got lining across part of the upper leg but not others which feels a bit weird when you take them off. They are very warm though and full length. This cold weather and cropped leggings or trousers is just not going to happen. No way. I do see people out in shorts and leggings and I don't know how they do it.

Socks - Karrimor also, they're a little too short in the ankle for me, I like to pull my socks UP! I'm hoping to get some new ones soon to keep my ankles warm.

I also wear undercrackers but I don't think anyone needs a picture of them!

Sunday 24 March 2013

Some progress, perhaps

I think I am finally making some progress. It feels like a really positive week, finally, and I hope to consolidate and continue working over the next month. That's all I've got left!

This week I've run three times. I did a normal length training run, some hill sprints and a long run.

Hill Sprints
Apparently, these are the business for getting you fitter more quickly. I've read a few articles that talk about VO2 max and fast twitch fibres in muscles. I'm not too bothered about any of the technical details but I am keen to try to mix things up to help me continue to progress. Very fortunately - although it doesn't feel like it after a long day at work - I live up a 1:4 hill. I decided this wouldn't be a long workout and I'd walk down it then attempt a few sprints as fast as I could up it and note the house number I got to when I felt I couldn't carry on. I was surprised at how I managed to push on a bit where I know previously I would give in. I didn't do too well, only three goes and then a short jog on the flat - I was totally knackered from them! - but it will be a good measure of progress and I hope next week I can manage a few more goes and recover more quickly.

The Long Run
Ah, the long run. I've read a lot about the long run and even a non-running friend nodded knowingly when I said this was what I was doing on Saturday. This is the run you should to regularly, which may be longer than where you are on your current training plan, or the distance you're aiming for, to really build in some endurance. I plotted a five mile route and out we went. It was so so cold and at points it felt like every muscle in my body was giving in. But I walked for a bit and then ran again like that until I got home. The best bit was not feeling too bad at all when I did finally get in, an hour after we left home.  Believe it or not, I am actually looking forward to running the same route next week and trying to run more. Then we'll find another longer route. I really hope it's a bit warmer next time as even though I was wearing three layers on top with a scarf, my legs got so cold and that really doesn't help when you're knackered. When I got home I just could not get warm - even after a very hot shower I still had blue lips!

I've also definitely got stronger. There's a section of one of my Yogalates DVDs where you have to do these plies - they're basically a squat that you hold for what feels like ages - I've never been able to sustain it for the time they do in the film but this week I did it! Maybe one day it'll even feel easy. Ha ha ha ha.

I'm not really sure what I'll do this week. I think I'd like to try running a mile non stop a couple of times over one session, more hill sprints and another long run. It'll be a busy week out on the streets, just got to hope it doesn't snow!

Friday 22 March 2013

Conversations I have in my head when I'm running

I'll set the scene: It's just after 7am, it's a cold, grey morning. It has been raining all night. I am outside, running...

Happy me: Here I am! I'm outside, I got up early, I'm running, well done me.

Sneery me: Well done you, yes, but wouldn't you rather be in bed? Being out, dressed like *that*, at this time of day is ridiculous, this isn't you. It's so cold! And so windy. It might start raining at any time.

Happy me: If it rains, it rains. I'll be dry once I'm inside. It's what I do now, I'm training for Bristol 10K.

Sneery me: Are you sure that's a good idea? You aren't exactly known for being good at any sport let alone running. Remember getting told off for being last in everything at school? Remember how upsetting it was?

Happy me: Yes, but that was school. This is different. I'm a grown up now. And somebody has to come last. It's not about winning, it's about all this hard work I'm putting in now, getting up, going out to run, doing the conditioning, trying to eat and sleep well so that people know how hard I'm trying, wherever I come in at the race.

Sneery me: But what if you do come last in the race on the day? Won't that be embarrassing? Imagine that, they're all packing up at the end and you're still staggering along. It'll be so humiliating!

Happy me: Umm, well...yeah, but, I'll worry about that on the day

Sneery me: Are you sure? Wouldn't it be better to just go home now? It's not like you're actually getting better? I mean, call that running? It's more like a fast shuffle. You realise how stupid you look, right?

Happy me: I really don't care about how I look, I'm outside in these leggings, after all. And shut up! I AM running. I'm running faster than if I was still in bed, aren't I?

Sneery me: All I'm saying is, you're not really cut for this stuff. It's just not what you're good at. You're good at sitting down, eating chocolate, drinking tea. The comfortable, easy things in life. Why put yourself through it?

Happy me: Why not? WHY NOT, SNEERY SIDE? Why shouldn't I try to do something, even if I find it hard? Even if I'm crap at it? You can't be good at everything, and I think the very fact that I'm so crap makes it more important that I get out of bed and get on with training. I've got to do it right, put the effort in and make everyone who sponsored me proud.

Sneery me: Impressive stuff, impressive stuff. Very rousing, I can't disagree. Off you go though. But get some longer tops, yeah? Your ass wobbles.

Happy me: You always have to have the last word, don't you?

Sneery me: Yep.

NB, I'm never sneery about other people, just myself.

Thursday 21 March 2013

Eat. Sleep. Run.

This is what my brother wrote on my Just Giving page when he donated to the run. It made me laugh, but I've been thinking about it recently because I have finally managed to implement some changes.

I've mentioned before my seasonal habit of eating Easter eggs as between meals snacks, and I'm not talking about a handful of those little ones you get in mesh bags. I like chocolate, I like cake. Before I was 26 years old I could eat as much chocolate and cake as I liked and it didn't seem to make any difference to anything.

Now I'm over 30 it most certainly does make a difference. When I'm feeling tired or down I do tend to turn to chocolate and cake to wake me up a bit and cheer me up too. I also find chocolate a really handy snack for when I'm hungry and need something on the go.

However, I do notice that when I cut down on the sweet stuff, my energy levels tend to be more even, fewer peaks and troughs, and I generally feel a bit "better". I suppose this is because instead of the morning chocolate bar I'm having fruit which is definitely better for you. I don't think I'll give up chocolate though, just eat less. I'm also making an effort to eat breakfast, which definitely helps my mood too.

I don't always find it easy to fit in my daily fruit and veg. I appreciate plenty of people manage it but if I have a big lunch and a busy day at work, all those picky fruits that I prefer to eat, or carrot sticks, just get left in the fridge. I've been trying to make sure I have my afternoon fruit snack.

A pot of fruit I've brought to work today - apples, grapes and blueberries

As I've posted before, I'm dreadful at going to bed at a reasonable time, which makes me more and more tired as the week goes on and less inclined to be organised enough to get my healthier food ready and all of those organised things that help me to make better choices. The last couple of days I've managed to get to bed before midnight, and properly before midnight, not 11.58pm. And guess what! I wake up really early! And feel awake! It's amazing. I do think the lighter mornings are helping, and it was lovely to run yesterday in daylight, so everything is coming together much better. I'm really trying not to get stuck in front of the television and having fewer commitments in the evening means I'm more likely to get up early instead of oversleeping to get more rest for a longer day.

And finally to running. Of course, there's a lot of full time work in between these activities but I'm feeling pretty positive about running at the moment. I'm going to be trying a longer run at the weekend, to see how I get on with that, and perhaps mix the training up a bit more next week to increase my aerobic fitness - hill runs, sprints - along with the training distance runs I'm doing anyway. I've sort of stopped doing the 5K MP3 training but I might give it a try again and see how I get on. I do get disappointed when I find it difficult though but it's useful to have a measure.

Here's to improving all round for the long term. *fingers crossed*

Tuesday 19 March 2013


I've been trying to update on Sundays and reflect on the past week and think about the coming week. I'm more than a little late this week - I can't believe it's Wednesday tomorrow.

So last week...after my go on the treadmill at the gym, I've not managed to do much else. I feel really bad about it but my energy levels have been through the floor. I was also attending the Women's Literature Festival all weekend, which was fantastic, but which meant I didn't have time to get out for a long run. And the times I might have got myself out I just wanted to slump on the sofa. Sometimes you just have to know when to rest.

This week I am trying to shape up a bit - my diet (and I mean what I'm eating, not anything prescriptive) hasn't been doing me any favours I'm sure so I'm upping the fruit and veg content this week, really making sure I get to bed earlier, and obviously not socialising and wearing myself out more!

I had been expecting work to be reasonably manageable but it's been a really busy week and I can't believe I'm nearly half way through the week - the start of the week usually drags by! I had hoped to run tomorrow but as there's a 9am meeting, unless I sleep amazingly and wake up ready to go at 6:30am it's not going to happen. I'm going to focus on walking to work this week, and trying to do some DVDs and then resetting the running on Saturday.

I do feel a bit of a let-down and all of my reasons like excuses. The most free time I had over the weekend was Sunday morning so I cleaned the house - it really needed it! - instead of doing exercise. These are the sorts of choices I find that I have to make, and which is why I've give up socialising. I'm not really sure how people manage to do everything when they are training for really long runs, working in demanding jobs, socialising, keeping up with their household and family responsibilities. I guess they don't need as much sleep as me? Or perhaps they manage their time a lot better and spend less time sitting on the sofa recharging like I do? In the spirit of the above, I'm going to tidy my bedroom now instead of messing about online and that'll be another job done that won't need to be done at the weekend.

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Gym and treadmill: review

Today I went to the gym to have a go at running on a treadmill.

I went to Hengrove Leisure Centre which isn't the closest gym to where I live but possibly the nearest that didn't require a contract. I'll be investigating this more closely soon as it is a drive away. But, all good experience. I've been there before a few times to swim so know how it all works and know the layout.

There was a bit of a kerfuffle as I had to have a gym induction before I could use the gym. This was fine but did involve a small amount of rigmarole. The induction wasn't too onerous and I was introduced to the cross-trainer and the treadmill. Times have moved on since I was last at a gym - they now have touchscreens, Iphone jacks and pictures which tell you the muscles you're working. They also gave me static shocks every time I touched them.

I started off on a cross trainer. This was quite different to trainers I'd previously used but I got into it. It wasn't really clear which buttons did which, in spite of just being shown. Oops!

On to the treadmill to attempt a run. I always believed that running on a treadmill was a lot easier than running on the road. Previous attempts at running on a treadmill led me to believe running was pretty straightforward. That was quickly cleared up once I got out on the road. Road running is so much harder, right?


My legs were killing me after a few seconds! I don't think they ache like that on the road. They continued to ache the entire time I was on the machine. It was really hard to force myself to keep running but I managed a few longer sections before the relief of walking.

I found the experience quite odd. When I'm out on the road there are so many things to think about, I don't find that I need concentrate on anything in particular, just keeping going. There's the traffic, looking out for people on the pavement, thinking about the route, looking out for trip hazards or dog mess, the weather, keeping breathing...All of these things to think about. But on a treadmill it's just you. And the telly, or music or whatever which I mostly just found distracting rather than helping me to focus. I found it really hard to get into a rhythm. It didn't help that the machine squeaked the faster I went! The other problem was the speed. My phone app tells me my averages but the treadmill tells you how fast you're going to the tenth of a mile. I'm not sure I found that useful, at least for the first twenty minutes! Usually, I can just speed up/slow down/regulate my pace as I wish, bit more complicated when you have to press a button each time. I finally got into my groove when a song from one of my favourite bands came on to my MP3 player. I'm not sure what it is, it's quite rhythmic perhaps, but it finally got me into the zone and I managed a longer section of running without wanting to stop and walk.

After I'd finished on the machine, as I would do after a normal run, I wanted to stretch. And that was when I remembered the other thing that puts me off gyms - the blokes. Ok, ok, this is probably a bit sexist, but bear with me! Any gym, it seems to me, however new, or established or whatever, will attract a significant number of men who attend very regularly, in small groups and work on their muscles. It's great, I'm glad they're taking care of themselves and socialising off the streets. It's just rather intimidating for a woman on her own. Well, this woman on her own. I'm sure if I was with a friend we'd have found a space to hunker down and get those inner thigh muscles firing but today? No thank you. Each stretching area seemed to have a group of young men stretching together, or just sprawled out and I didn't fancy joining them. Even down in the changing rooms I felt like a weirdo for stretching out. I'll be honest, I ended up locking myself in a loo! Again, this may just be my extreme introversion holding me back but I'm just not confident enough to crack on with it in that sort of situation. I missed my comfy living room then, I can tell you, particularly as nearly every part of my legs were aching from the machine.

So, on reflection, I'm not sure I'd go again. It wasn't actually that cheap to get the induction, plus getting there in the car. But perhaps if April brings torrential rains, ice and hail, it'll look a little more attractive. I'm actually keen to get out for a run round the block soon for a nice "easy" run. Who would have thought?

Monday 11 March 2013

Home vs Gym

Over the years I've tried out different ways of exercising that suit me.

I don't like team games - joining a netball or football team is my idea of hell. As I said last night, I'm an introverted person and I really don't enjoy team pursuits. Well, not sporty ones anyway. Possibly a throwback from the days of school PE, the feeling of being the worst person on the team and letting everyone down. I don't need that as an adult and I'm grateful I'm now in a position to choose not to do that stuff.

Aside from team sports, there's the things like British Military Fitness which a few people I know enjoy. My brother loves Crossfit (that's a link to his box) and there are lots of other ways to work out as a "group". Frankly, the very thought of it gives me the creeps. It seems to be quite fashionable for your exercise/fitness method of choice to be all about making friends, creating a lifestyle or "family" atmosphere. I am not fashionable and anything promoting itself as a way to make friends instantly puts me off.

I like being on my own and the thought of sweating and puffing my way through any sort of exercise is really not the time for me to be attempting to make new friends.

So, it's solitary exercise all the way for me and I'm very happy with that.

Over the years I've tried working out at the gym and I've tried working out at home.

The gym obviously has a full suite of cardio and weight training facilities, classes, nice changing rooms, all that sort of stuff. It's nice and dry and air-conditioned so you stay dry in the rain and cool in the heat. You often get free personal training so a programme is made up for you to reach your fitness/weight loss targets. In the past I have managed to go to the gym regularly but it always falls away. This is because I find it to be a massive hassle - packing up your bag the night before, having to carry all your stuff around with you. I used to go in the morning and then had to dry my towel in the office, and hide my trainers under the desk. There's little worse than looking for some crucial item of gym wear then finding it lurking in the bottom of an unopened gym bag stinking and unwearable. Or forgetting a crucial item of day wear and having to do a dash to the shops before work. Ugh! Perhaps it's me, the hater of routine, who just can't get on with the organisational skills required to make the gym work. But I've learned, many hundreds of pounds later, the gym is not for me.

And what of working out at home? Well, it's definitely convenient, you just get your kit on, slap on the DVD or get out of the house and get moving. You're at home so no need to lug all that kit around, or worry about forgetting something you need - it's all there.  The home fitness kit and DVD market is huge so there is a lot of choice as to how you work out. There's something for everyone and it's just a matter of trying something out and seeing how it works for you. That's part of the problem for me. It's pretty easy to buy a DVD, put it on the shelf and never even put it on. I've caught myself doing this and somehow kidding myself that the purchase of a DVD will make me do it and get me fitter. At least with a gym membership the money going out on a monthly basis is some sort of motivation to get down there and spend your money wisely. Some DVDs can be pretty cheap and they can accumulate on your shelves all too easily along with the dust on top of them.

I don't really have an answer to any of it. After signing up for the Bristol 10K I considered joining a gym and then decided against it. I would just have to get on with at home, and save my money. So far it's working for me but with the cold weather not going anywhere and finding myself easily demotivated by the difficulties in running on the road as a beginner, I'm thinking about getting a few day memberships to a local gym and getting on the treadmill. I think running for a longer time on a treadmill will be a great boost for my self-belief, and will help me to keep going when I get back outside. I see it as complementing my training, rather than replacing any road runs. We'll see how it goes. It's another busy week so hoping to find some time next week to give this a go.

Sunday 10 March 2013


I try to run in the mornings. This is because I know myself well and I know that should I get home after work and attempt to go out for a run in the dark, cold evening, it will not happen. People who know I get up at 6:45am to run think I must be very disciplined.

I suppose I am on one level, to haul myself out of bed at such an early hour to go out and run around, but the power of the Rocky Theme tune possibly has a lot to do with it.

On the other hand...

I was talking to a colleague in the week (the same person who's been really supportive of this running lark) about getting to bed very late and being very tired. She agreed that she had gone to bed 20 minutes after her bedtime and was really feeling it today.

Bedtime? What's that then? I gave those up some time ago. Maybe that was a mistake...? My idea of a bedtime is trying to get to bed before midnight but usually failing. I'm often very very tired.

Unfortunately, I hate routines. I hate being restricted into doing the same thing at the same time with any sort of regularlity. Going to work five days a week uses up all my patience for it. I've tried and failed to do things like courses, classes etc. Anything that has a set, regular pattern requiring my attendance just isn't going to happen. I start to resent having to go, even if I want to, and have learned not to commit to anything like that because it  doesn't work for me.

A daily commitment to doing something at the same time? Having a bed time? I just can't see myself turning off the laptop, the telly, putting the game down, the book, stopping messing about, getting into bed and going to sleep.

I think I'm going to have to.

Last week was very busy and very tiring, lots of later nights and driving around. It was really lovely to spend time with friends and doing different things but the time I have available to me to do the necessary conditioning work, food preparation and much needed sleep just seemed to slip away from me. I had something on every evening, or visitors, and couldn't fit in the pilates/cardio stuff that doesn't actually take that much time, but when you're factoring in preparing and eating a meal and travelling, just doesn't seem to happen.

I'm quite an introverted person, a personality type that thrives on time alone and the notion of "winding down" to recharge. After a night out, I'll often feel I need some time just sitting down not doing much to have some "me" time before bed. When I get in after 10pm from a social event this extends an already late evening even further.

After some thought about how to get a grip on things, I realised that I need to cut down on the amount of time I spend going out and about in the evenings and weekends. I don't think of myself as being the most sociable of people but I do somehow manage to spend a fair amount of time each week out with friends or family and it's lovely. I love my family and friends so much and really do enjoy spending time with them. Unfortunately, right now, this is to the detriment of my training. If I'm asking people to sponsor me, I don't want the effort they expect me to put in to be diluted because I want to spend time with them. A strange sort of circular argument there which I hope makes sense.

I've decided that unless I'm swimming, hiking or cycling with somebody, I'm probably not going to be doing much hanging out with them until after 5 May. This is totally fine as it's really not that far off and as my birthday is shortly after I'm hoping to see everyone again to celebrate the run being over and being one year older.

I've also got to instigate a bedtime! So many things seem to hinge on getting more sleep, or getting to sleep earlier, and everything else just becomes so much easier when that happens. For example, as I work flexi-time and only do seven hours a day, if I get in at 8:30am and only take half an hour for lunch I can leave work at 4pm, get home about 4:45pm which leaves me a good couple of hours to get some exercise done before starting on the evening meal and other household tasks. At present, because I'm always so tired I sleep later and don't get to work until 10am, finishing later and not getting home until time for the evening meal. Things have got to change. I hope I can get stuck in and make some meaningful changes which will help me along the way.

Glad I got to enjoy this last night, last one for a while...

Quietly confident

This has been a much better week for running, and I'm definitely settling into things more and feeling better about it.

I've only managed two runs but I have done three lots of conditioning so I'm happy with that. It's been a seriously busy week socially, and work has also been quite full-on and stressful, as well as other disruptions,  so I'm glad to have had a quiet-ish weekend - I did go out last night for a few drinks! - and manage to get the weekend things done that help me start a new week feeling positive.

I realised I've actually been doing 5K training for most of February. I did lose two or so weeks from my cold/cough and was finding it really difficult to begin with but I hope the positivity from my last run will help me move forward into Week 2! I hope this week will be more manageable and I can really focus on pushing on a little so it's Week 2 and if I can manage day 1 without too much bother, I'll think about advancing a little.

I'm not too pleased with the news the weather is going to get colder yet again. I won't know what to do with myself if it ever gets above 10C will I? I do wonder/worry about the actual race day and whether it will be some scorching hot day which I have absolutely no idea how to deal with! Based on current events, it'll probably snow. Snow, I can handle.

Thursday 7 March 2013

Aw, man!

It's been a horrible rainy day here, and I put off going for a run for the longest time. I ended up running at dusk which was quite nice, although not so great for spotting the dog mess that is found along any stretch of road around here. It is DISGUSTING!

Anyway, I decided to just go out, do some running and some walking and see how I felt. I only took my phone with my Runtastic app to see what I did at the end. I knew that it would monitor my speed, trace a route along a map with different colour trails to denote how fast I was going at certain points, average speed, elevation. The works, basically. I nearly forgot to turn the GPS on but stuck it on as I went out and hit "start workout".

It was a good run, even though the rain started pouring down halfway through and I hate rain! I just carried out though and did some longer run sections. I made sure I stayed on the flat and my knee was fine. The sole of my left foot is hurting now though. Always something!

When I got back, I opened up the app to save the session and take a look and...the GPS hadn't kicked in! Oh, the crushing disappointment! I know how long I was out - probably long enough to cover about 5K - but nothing else. Argh! I really am such a geek I couldn't wait to check out the red bits - where I'm fastest and running - and to see what distance I covered.

As ever though, the main thing is that I did it and I think I did pretty well. Near the end I realised that it's never going to feel easy or effortless. You see athletes on the telly and they just make it look so simple. But I guess maybe their shins ache a bit, or they just want to stop and lie down. They just don't talk about it! You can see the effort though - they're sweating at the end, and out of breath. I sort of felt like at some point I'd be able to run a certain distance and not find it an effort. Naive? Yes. It will always be an effort, that's why it's running and not lying on the sofa. I'm probably always going to want to stop after two minutes, I hope the difference will be that I'll want to, but won't *have* to. Onwards! And I'll put the GPS early in future!

Tuesday 5 March 2013

The Guardian Running Blog - a review of sorts

In a rather timely, for me, fashion, the Guardian Newspaper has recently created a running blog. It looks good and as I quite like to look over different blogs and news stories during breaks at work, or just of an evening, I'm enjoying the posts and I think it does me good to look at it all from different points of view and take on board various opinions and experiences which will all help me on my way.

Two posts, which to me seem quite complementary, have got me mulling things over this week.

The first post I read is called "What's the point of running?". I enjoyed reading this piece, the writer has a wonderful turn of phrase and it's definitely food for thought. I wanted to fundraise for Charing Cross and the research and the best way, to me, seemed to be some sort of physical challenge. I wouldn't say I enjoy running - the other day I suggested I should have shaved my head instead of embarking on this running lark - but I think I am starting to enjoy it. I would probably be sad if I never ran again. I'm not sure how much this is tied up in the fundraising. We'll see after 5 May, I guess! It's important to me too, to remember that this isn't work for everyone, and to try to find the play in it for me, to enjoy it as much as I can, and to try to sink into the process of learning to run, rather than than stress out too much about the end point.

The next piece is called "Should you run for charity, or just for yourself?" Of course, I'm running for charity, but I would never presume to tell anyone else why they should run. Some of the comments are really illuminating on this topic. As I've said before, I'm not sure what will happen with me and running after the race - I like to think I'll carry on but I'm not naturally a person who gets up at 7am to run around the park purely because I think it's fun. Perhaps that will change. Perhaps it would be good for me to have a go at doing it for doing it's sake? All in good time.

Frosty run - photo post

I thought I'd do a photo post as it was quite a nice morning if somewhat chilly. I took these at the end of my run, just before 8am on my way home. First run in the new trainers and they feel good. 

That's me. It was so cold I had to put on a hat for the first time since I started training. It was cold, but I went out and I did it. 

My right knee is aching and that's because I didn't do any conditioning last night. The body tells you what it needs, just gotta listen. 

Sunday 3 March 2013

And finally, a running update

I have been blogging a lot tonight, I know. So, finally time to update on how the running is going.

The last run was on Tuesday morning when I felt sick and had to stop to avoid embarrassing myself.

I ran again yesterday and it went a lot better. Thank goodness!

I ate quite a large breakfast - fun free cereal with a banana and chia seeds - let it go down and then headed out. I started on week 1 of 5K training and did a few longer runs within the session but didn't overdo it. And it was OK. It really was. I think planning a decent, flat, circular route really helped. There's nothing I've found more dispiriting than doing a route that doesn't take me far from home, feel knackered and then hear Justin tell me I'm only half way through and I've got to do it all again. It's so residential where I live, you just don't want to go past the same houses more than once! I searched online and found this website, UK Running Route Planner which is brilliant. Before I found it I didn't want to go too far from the house as I don't want to finish a run and end up with a 20 minute walk home, particularly as I run before work. This planning tool, however, enables you to find a route that takes you out and brings you back in a "circle" if that's what you want, and you know you'll get home in the distance you're doing. My new favourite thing.

Today I got some new trainers from Moti. I really recommend Moti. I got my first pair of running trainers in there a few years ago. They do the video gait analysis thing and explain what each shoe does and why. It does feel a bit strange to be running in your day clothes on a treadmill in a shop but it's worth it. They're really friendly and laid back which helps me as a specialist shop of that type could be really intimidating and nervous-making for a newbie like me. I'm sure this doesn't happen every day but another customer had their dog, Max, with them who was lovely and licked me! Nothing like a friendly dog, eh? The trainers weren't cheap, but there's really no point in me trying to run in crappy shoes that are going to wreck my knees and feet. It's no fun and knees and feet are more fragile than you realise.

Here are my old and new trainers lined up - my old ones haven't really recovered from my muddy miler a month ago:

I have been feeling really stressed about it all, if I'm honest. I've been very lucky to have lots of donations this week which has really made me so happy. Equally, it's a bit of pressure to crack on and make the most of it - I don't want to let anyone down. I've turned into a bit of a bore about it all, sadly, but it's on my mind! Lots of people have been really kind and my mum pointed out that even if I do walk bits, no one will know! It's the finishing that counts.

I'm hoping to go out again tomorrow, or Tuesday but I also need to do some conditioning work which will ease me into the week a little so I may do some pilates tomorrow instead. I'm so glad the evenings are *finally* getting longer as I'll be able to go out after work instead of trying to cram in a run before work. Now that the distance is longer, I'm aiming to be out for about 45 minutes and rushing in the morning, when every minute counts, it just ends up stressful, particularly with my feeling sick problem and letting food go down etc. It was lovely on Saturday knowing that I could just take my time with it instead of watching the clock and feeling stressed out.

This week my goals are to walk to work a couple of times, manage a couple of hours' bike ride, two or three runs and some conditioning. Not asking for much eh? Let's see how it goes.

Fitspo, body image and exercise

I was having a look through my Twitter feed during the week and came across this from SweatyMissBetty:

I was curious about what "fitspo" was, and after a quick look discovered it stands for "fitspirational". I guess pictures of how you want your body to look to keep you on track with your weight loss or training goals.

And so I read the post and urge you to do the same. It says all I want to say about these sorts of images and body image in the media.

I'm not doing this run in order to change my body shape, although I won't lie, it would be nice. While I was recovering I put on a lot of weight. I was in pain for a long time, extremely tired and demotivated. Just walking round the supermarket was exhausting. I took a lot of pleasure in eating a lot of chocolate and the natural result was putting on a lot of weight very quickly.

During the second part of follow-up, I did manage to lose some weight using Slimming World but I soon fell off the wagon travelling to see Olympic events (oh the irony!) and going on holiday to Switzerland, land of cheese and chocolate. And I was mostly OK with that, really. It's hard to be happy with your body, with all these images of "the perfect body that's not yours" being flung in our faces at all angles, every day. But, it was ok, the weeks slipped by and I just got on with stuff and tried not to mind too much.

When I started training, after a few weeks I noticed my body changing, and I liked it. I started weighing myself and being disappointed that the scales weren't changing. So then I thought I'd try changing my diet to see if that would work alongside the exercise. And still the scales weren't changing.

Time for a wake up call!

I'm not doing this training to lose weight, or anything like that. I just want to finish it and reach my fundraising target. Thinking about my weight or my body shape is just a dilution of where my focus should be and any negativity I feel about the scales not going the way I want them to just takes away from what I am achieving. So, I'm not going to weigh myself anymore, I'm not going to look at anyone else's body and wish mine looked like that and I am going to celebrate those distance milestones. The body I want is a body crossing the finish line on 5 May.

The Blue Envelope Campaign

I thought I'd do a little blog about the Miscarriage Association. I have a link to their website on my sidebar that way --->.

They launched a new awareness campaign on Monday called the The Blue Envelope Campaign. They've put up some posters and left letters in blue envelopes around...I'm not sure where, to be honest, maybe if you find one you'll let me know what it says?

While the NHS is wonderful in many ways, in my experience, with a rarer condition there isn't a whole lot of information about what it means and what will happen. The information on the Miscarriage Association was fantastic. I printed out numerous copies of their molar pregnancy leaflet to give to family and my GP (who had never heard of it!). They also have leaflets on other types of pregnancy loss such as ectopic pregnancy and blighted ovum, "men & miscarriage" and one for family and friends. They even have leaflets in other languages. There is a huge support forum too and you can call for support and information.

All this of this, and it's all run by a charity. Fantastic, no?

Miscarriage and pregnancy loss aren't always easy things to talk about and everyone responds differently to the experience. For me, some people were wonderfully supportive and understanding, others just didn't, and still don't, seem to get how it affected me and continues to do so.

So, please do take a look at their site and have a read of a blue envelope if you find one.