Sunday 10 March 2013

Quietly confident

This has been a much better week for running, and I'm definitely settling into things more and feeling better about it.

I've only managed two runs but I have done three lots of conditioning so I'm happy with that. It's been a seriously busy week socially, and work has also been quite full-on and stressful, as well as other disruptions,  so I'm glad to have had a quiet-ish weekend - I did go out last night for a few drinks! - and manage to get the weekend things done that help me start a new week feeling positive.

I realised I've actually been doing 5K training for most of February. I did lose two or so weeks from my cold/cough and was finding it really difficult to begin with but I hope the positivity from my last run will help me move forward into Week 2! I hope this week will be more manageable and I can really focus on pushing on a little so it's Week 2 and if I can manage day 1 without too much bother, I'll think about advancing a little.

I'm not too pleased with the news the weather is going to get colder yet again. I won't know what to do with myself if it ever gets above 10C will I? I do wonder/worry about the actual race day and whether it will be some scorching hot day which I have absolutely no idea how to deal with! Based on current events, it'll probably snow. Snow, I can handle.

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