Tuesday 19 March 2013


I've been trying to update on Sundays and reflect on the past week and think about the coming week. I'm more than a little late this week - I can't believe it's Wednesday tomorrow.

So last week...after my go on the treadmill at the gym, I've not managed to do much else. I feel really bad about it but my energy levels have been through the floor. I was also attending the Women's Literature Festival all weekend, which was fantastic, but which meant I didn't have time to get out for a long run. And the times I might have got myself out I just wanted to slump on the sofa. Sometimes you just have to know when to rest.

This week I am trying to shape up a bit - my diet (and I mean what I'm eating, not anything prescriptive) hasn't been doing me any favours I'm sure so I'm upping the fruit and veg content this week, really making sure I get to bed earlier, and obviously not socialising and wearing myself out more!

I had been expecting work to be reasonably manageable but it's been a really busy week and I can't believe I'm nearly half way through the week - the start of the week usually drags by! I had hoped to run tomorrow but as there's a 9am meeting, unless I sleep amazingly and wake up ready to go at 6:30am it's not going to happen. I'm going to focus on walking to work this week, and trying to do some DVDs and then resetting the running on Saturday.

I do feel a bit of a let-down and all of my reasons like excuses. The most free time I had over the weekend was Sunday morning so I cleaned the house - it really needed it! - instead of doing exercise. These are the sorts of choices I find that I have to make, and which is why I've give up socialising. I'm not really sure how people manage to do everything when they are training for really long runs, working in demanding jobs, socialising, keeping up with their household and family responsibilities. I guess they don't need as much sleep as me? Or perhaps they manage their time a lot better and spend less time sitting on the sofa recharging like I do? In the spirit of the above, I'm going to tidy my bedroom now instead of messing about online and that'll be another job done that won't need to be done at the weekend.

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