Sunday 24 March 2013

Some progress, perhaps

I think I am finally making some progress. It feels like a really positive week, finally, and I hope to consolidate and continue working over the next month. That's all I've got left!

This week I've run three times. I did a normal length training run, some hill sprints and a long run.

Hill Sprints
Apparently, these are the business for getting you fitter more quickly. I've read a few articles that talk about VO2 max and fast twitch fibres in muscles. I'm not too bothered about any of the technical details but I am keen to try to mix things up to help me continue to progress. Very fortunately - although it doesn't feel like it after a long day at work - I live up a 1:4 hill. I decided this wouldn't be a long workout and I'd walk down it then attempt a few sprints as fast as I could up it and note the house number I got to when I felt I couldn't carry on. I was surprised at how I managed to push on a bit where I know previously I would give in. I didn't do too well, only three goes and then a short jog on the flat - I was totally knackered from them! - but it will be a good measure of progress and I hope next week I can manage a few more goes and recover more quickly.

The Long Run
Ah, the long run. I've read a lot about the long run and even a non-running friend nodded knowingly when I said this was what I was doing on Saturday. This is the run you should to regularly, which may be longer than where you are on your current training plan, or the distance you're aiming for, to really build in some endurance. I plotted a five mile route and out we went. It was so so cold and at points it felt like every muscle in my body was giving in. But I walked for a bit and then ran again like that until I got home. The best bit was not feeling too bad at all when I did finally get in, an hour after we left home.  Believe it or not, I am actually looking forward to running the same route next week and trying to run more. Then we'll find another longer route. I really hope it's a bit warmer next time as even though I was wearing three layers on top with a scarf, my legs got so cold and that really doesn't help when you're knackered. When I got home I just could not get warm - even after a very hot shower I still had blue lips!

I've also definitely got stronger. There's a section of one of my Yogalates DVDs where you have to do these plies - they're basically a squat that you hold for what feels like ages - I've never been able to sustain it for the time they do in the film but this week I did it! Maybe one day it'll even feel easy. Ha ha ha ha.

I'm not really sure what I'll do this week. I think I'd like to try running a mile non stop a couple of times over one session, more hill sprints and another long run. It'll be a busy week out on the streets, just got to hope it doesn't snow!

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