Sunday 17 February 2013

Lost week

Unfortunately, there's not much to say this week as I haven't been very well.

I hadn't really taken it terribly seriously but I'd had a dry cough for a few days. On Tuesday I woke up in the early hours with a *very* sore throat. It was about two hours before I had to get up for a run and I was making lemsip and heading back to bed with it. My breathing felt quite restricted and I couldn't imagine heading out in 3C temperatures in that sort of state.

I felt even worse on Wednesday but I felt I had to get to work as finish off some tasks. I took Thursday and Friday off and although I'm not totally recovered, I'm feeling better although still slightly short of breath, tire easily and have the dry cough.

I'm trying not to let it stress me out but I am quite worried about the loss of an entire week on my training plan, plus the fact that it's not as if I'm going to be able to go out tomorrow and restart 5K training. I'm not even sure what to do to start again as this breathlessness is no fun and I don't want to make it worse, particularly in this cold weather...any suggestions very welcome.

As my walk to work takes about 45 minutes, I'm going to try to walk in at least twice this week in order to get used to that length of time outside again. It's been warmer the last few days so I hope that continues as cold air is not my friend right now. Then perhaps some pilates and maybe a workout DVD to get back into cardio stuff. This does feel like a setback, but I'm used to them, I just hope I keep getting better from now.

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