Saturday 2 February 2013

1 mile!

This has been a good week! I've done my three runs and today was the cherry on the icing on the cake - I ran my first full mile.

It was a lovely day for it

I ran in Victoria Park, which is in South Bristol. I thought it might be easier than running on the road, no cars and so on. That was actually a huge mistake as after some of the rainfall, a section of the path was completely submerged in water and the grass surrounding it too. I was in "must go forward" zone so paddled through instead of turning around. Silly.

Maybe I'll take up cross country next year? Unlikely!

It felt so great to finish this section of my training. I'll start 5K training next week. I'm using the Personal Running Trainer MP3s which are really great, I highly recommend them for the walk-run-walk training. It's so much easier listening than staring at your watch trying to work out when you've walked or run for a minute.


  1. 1 mile! YAY! Well done :)

    I'm out for my first run since my ankle injury. Meep! Going back to week 1 to see how I get on :s

  2. Thank you. :) I've done another post somewhere about knees and doing conditioning exercises has definitely helped. Will look out for ones on ankles! Best of luck, hope you stay injury free xxx
