Tuesday 26 February 2013

A theme is developing

I went for a run this morning. It was totally rubbish. I came home early because I thought I was going to throw up on the street.

I must be doing something wrong. I had a banana before I went out to try to avoid the inevitable "feeling sick whilst running then vomiting" thing that has happened before. Apparently, today, that wasn't enough. I didn't throw up but I've had a cracking headache all day and had to stop my run after 25 minutes as I felt so rubbish. In that 25 minutes I managed two three minute runs. Oh dear oh dear oh dear! I'm going backwards here!

I think I was a bit low on water, I know I haven't been drinking enough water but it's so flipping cold all I want is tea or nothing. Honestly, I get a bit of a dry throat from time to time but the urge to drink just isn't there like it is in warmer weather. But, I can't blame the weather, I've just got to get on with it, eh? I was also possibly a bit more hungry than usual as I didn't have the most filling dinner the night before. *sigh* There are so many things to balance and think about. Maybe I'm just not back in "the zone"?

However, to further my late night panic plans, I've booked two half days off on consecutive weeks to go for bike rides during daylight. This will involve riding my bike to work which is not something I am looking forward to. I rode my bike four times last year (remembering that I was recovering for a long time) and on two of those occasions I nearly got knocked off. I have lost a lot of my confidence on the bike so this is quite a big deal. But I know it will do me good and as I'm hearing a lot lately - it's ok to stop and walk.

To that end, I have managed to walk to work this week and I intend to walk tomorrow. It's not a lot of fun in the cold but one of the problems I have when it's warmer is that a 45 minute walk laden down with all my stuff means I get very hot and uncomfortable by the time I arrive at work. There isn't a shower which makes it difficult to want to walk in and spend the day feeling disgusting.

So, on the bright side and to finish, walking to work in cold weather is good. Sort of.

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