Saturday 2 February 2013

Some things I have learned this week

I think I posted after my Tuesday run this week. I was really pleased that I'd got out there and completed the run after a couple of weeks off.


In my excitement to blog I didn't drink enough water or eat anything. The result being that I was sick and felt pretty rough for an hour or so there.

I prefer running in the morning as once I've done a day at work, the last thing I feel like doing is anything, and running is definitely "anything". (That said, I've arranged to go for a swim with a friend this week which I am really looking forward to.) I find it a lot easier to fit in my runs if I get up a bit earlier, get out the door and then it's done for the day and I'm not dreading having to go out once I'm home. Because I go first thing, I haven't tended to eat anything before going out. Mistake #1.

Once I got back, I focussed on stretching, and drinking some water, and I didn't feel hungry. I just drank a cup of black tea and did a few things before getting ready for work. Mistake #2.

I really hate being sick, particularly if it's completely avoidable. So, the last two runs I've made sure I've eaten. I had just a banana before on Thursday, and today I had an apple and a brazil nut. I was fine. Once I got back I made sure I drank plenty of water while stretching and had some bacon, for protein after. I've been fine and I definitely need to make sure I'm putting fuel in my tank in future.

To get some further advice I bought this introduction to running by CJ Hitz and read half avidly on Thursday evening. It's a really accessible, straightforward read about getting into running, with sections on nutrition, when to eat and so on. Some of the other sections have gone a bit over my head right now, but I hope it will be a good reference book that I can keep returning too.

Another purchase this week was Women's Running Magazine. I was mainly attracted by the "moves to protect your knees" and I wasn't disappointed. I haven't read it entirely, as I like to dip in and out of magazines, but after some home circuit training on Wednesday night, I'm looking forward to giving those moves a go. Finally, I felt, at the the beginning that I'd want to "reward" myself with little treat as I met my milestones. I do like shopping, particularly clothes and make-up, and had my eye on some interesting products for the one mile point. But having bought quite a lot of things this week, the urge has left me. Cheesy as it may sound, I think completing the run is reward enough, for today, at least. Must be the endorphins...

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