Friday 8 February 2013

More mistakes, more learning

Maybe soon I'll be able to post something that puts some of these lessons I'm learning into place? This has been a hard week on the running front.

On Sunday I did a workout DVD but still managed to run on Monday. It was a rubbish run and I posted about that. My legs felt worse as the day progressed and on Tuesday I was still having to brace on either side of a flight of stairs to go down. So, no run on Wednesday. My legs were feeling better and I went for a swim with my friend Misey. That was good. I did get a bit tired, particularly across my shoulders, but it wasn't like I had to get out of the pool and we had a good time. Looking forward to the next time. Thursday, my knee was hurting! Why?! But it worked its way out during the day. I didn't do anything much, so that was another rest day.

Today I ran and realised...5K training is DOUBLE the mile training. I stupidly skipped week 1, thinking that I could start at week 2. Running for two minutes then walking for 1 minute can't be that hard, can it? Yes, yes it can! Just being out of the house for 40 minutes takes a bit of getting used to. Halfway through the workout I'm thinking "yep, feeling good, time to go home now." I'm used to doing 20 minutes. It's quite a shock when Justin tells me I'm halfway through. That means I have to do what I've just done, all over again. And I'm pooped! Nightmare. I also ran at the bottom of the hill today. It's purely residential and I went out a bit late, so it was rush hour and there were loads of cars zooming around and schoolkids making their way in. Not the most inspiring of places to try to get into this further distance. It was cold, and it's actually quite hilly there - well, any incline counts as a hill at this point!

So, not the best of weeks. But I know what I need to do...keep going! I've already had some sponsorship and I can't let these people down and I can't let the charity down. I do feel quite tired and that I hate running and I'm crap at it. But I never thought I'd be able to run one mile, and I did. So, Sunday, I'll be back out there. Wish me luck.

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